If you’re unable to make your monthly repayments on your unsecured loans, a ecured loan IVA can be a good option for you. This type of repayment plan is a legally binding arrangement that can help you rebuild your credit rating. While this repayment plan requires 75% of your creditors to agree, it is not a viable option for people with massive debts. It may be beneficial to rebuild your credit rating after an IVA, but only if you’re ready to take the risk.
Another benefit of an IVA is that it is free of charge and will not require you to appear in court. You can pay a small amount of money every month – enough to meet your essential living costs – and make the payments to your creditors. You can use an IVA to pay off a large amount of debts, like credit cards and medical bills, more quickly. You can also turn a secured loan into an unsecured one with an IVA.
Although many traditional lenders will reject you if you have an IVA, you can still apply for a loan with an unsecured one. The difference is that unsecured loans are riskier for creditors to hold. It may not be possible to keep up with the interest, so it’s recommended that you speak with a debt professional before making the decision to take an unsecured loan. For free debt advisor services, check out the National Debtline.
Unsecured loans can be a great option for people with multiple types of debt, like credit cards, and multiple creditors. If your debts are too large for an IVA, you might need to get a secured loan instead. If you can’t make the payments on an unsecured loan, you can easily sell it to cover the balance. You can also use an unsecured loan as collateral for your secured loan. If your debts become so large that you can’t make them, you can use the equity in your home to pay off your debt.
Taking out a third-party loan to pay off an IVA can be a great option if you need the money fast. This loan allows you to settle your IVA early, and it may be an attractive option if you’re lucky enough to receive a lump sum from a family member or friend. You’ll need to inform your IP about this loan, and they may set up a variation meeting with your creditors if you request it. However, it’s important to remember that a third-party loan will not reduce your overall IVA repayments; they should be paid into the arrangement in full, and you’ll continue making monthly payments.